Construction and application of orthogonal arrays




个人简介:庞善起,河南师范大学数学与信息科学学院二级教授,博士生导师,中国现场统计研究会常务理事。目前主要从事试验设计、组合设计的理论和应用研究,其构造的大量新的正交表特别是混合正交表出现在南开大学和美国ATT、SAS网站上。在Annals of Statistics,Nature子刊NPJ Quantum Information,Statistica Sinica,Discrete Mathematics,Linear Algebra and its Applications,Information Sciences等SCI及国内外期刊上发表论文90余篇,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目4项。

内容摘要:Orthogonal arrays have always played a prominent role in statistics and have become a backbone of multi-factor experimental design. By utilizing the orthogonal partition of space and orthogonal arrays, methods for constructing high-strength orthogonal arrays are proposed. These methods facilitate the construction of larger orthogonal arrays from smaller arrays, and many infinite families of new symmetric and asymmetric orthogonal arrays are obtained. The constructed orthogonal arrays have high flexibility and many desired statistical properties. On the application of orthogonal arrays, the first work is to use the construction method of high-strength orthogonal arrays to have solved the open problems of the existence and construction of 2- and 3- uniform quantum entangled states. The second work is to have improved the efficiency of fly ash sorting, with direct economic benefits of 30 million Chinese yuans and indirect benefit of more than 100 million of Chinese yuans.

